October 17, 2019

Point in Time Support

Point in Time Counts

In 2012, the team at Simtech decided to build a mobile app to improve upon the inefficient paper-based counts that we helped to manage.  HUD licensed the tech and provided extensive peer review to ensure that the logic was accurate, and the tech was secure.  Simtech’s Counting Us app, and the Regional Command Center that receives and manages the survey data, takes the work performed with HUD several steps forward.   

“The Augusta, Ga., Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) cut the time it takes to process its annual census of residents experiencing homelessness from between 30 and 90 days down to minutes by replacing a traditionally manual task with technology.” 

Daniel Evans, Augusta, GCN – Mobile Apps Deliver Better Data on Homelessness  

The virtues of this industry-proven tech, which provides coverage for 30% of the geographic area of the US, are explained in detail on the http://PointInTime.info website as well as in articles from HUD, USICH, CityLab, and GCN.   

Point in Time Services & Support

While there are set standards that need to be adhered to for producing an accurate count the process itself often needs to be tailored to accommodate local priorities, geographic size, as well as the availability of volunteers and funding.

The approach to be taken by each region participating in the HUD-required Point in Time count will tend to vary.  Simtech Solutions provides guidance and support to accommodate local priorities, geographic size, as well as the availability of volunteers and funding. 

The wrap around services available with this industry-proven technology include everything from volunteer management and recruitment all the way through to the creation of community reports to highlight key findings.  Detailed information on these services is provided on our Counting Us website, however we would encourage contacting us to set up a call so that we can tailor a solution that suits your needs and budget.