Overlapping Episodes Report
This report shows those clients that have overlapping enrollments in residential programs. After running this report, identify which projects have enrollments that should be closed based on entry data from another project. In some cases, this report can also identify exit destinations if, for example, there are overlapping episodes in both shelter and housing programs.
Data Quality Scorecard
The Data Quality Scorecard can be used to easily identify issues within the HMIS data set for an entire region within a matter of minutes.
The chart at the top portrays episodes, services and bed inventory within the project and illustrates utilization showing enrollments along with the number of beds that are identified as participating in HMIS. The black line will be applicable for those projects that use a bed management (or night-by-night) tracking method.
AHAR Readiness Report
This report provides an at-a-glance overview of bed utilization rates for each AHAR table shell (ES-IND, ES-FAM, TH-IND, etc) and for each program within each shell. Since table shells with either high or low bed utilization rates tend to get rejected this report is a helpful readiness check for regional HMIS administrators. In addition to identifying any table shells with high or low bed utilization rates the report also helps pinpoint the problem program(s) so that staff efforts can be focused on cleaning up the data that is causing the issue.
HUD Data Quality Report
The HUD Data Quality report covers the same elements as the data quality questions in the Annual Performance Report. Running this report allows the user to assess critical data elements that are essential to the accuracy of HUD reports.
HUD Chronic Homelessness Audit
Running this report gives you a quick overview of which clients are marked as Chronically Homeless in HMIS, versus those that meet the current definition (4 or more episodes or 1 consecutive stay of 365 or more days in the past 3 years, plus has a disabling condition). Ideally, every client marked as Chronically Homeless should meet this criteria, and every client that meets this criteria should be marked as Chronically Homeless, but this not always the case. This report will highlight those clients that do not match up.
As HUD has yet to release programming specifications for such a report we have written our own which can be found here.
NOTE: In order to run chronic homeless audits AgencyDash needs client-level data for all clients served by all emergency shelters and street outreach projects within the area for a three year period of time. Simtech also needs permission to perform logic that de-duplicates clients which may require a separate agreement between Simtech Solutions and the HMIS Lead Agency for your Continuum of Care if such an agreement is not already in place.